Home Staging Success Stories

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Broadhouse Design Inc. said...

Pricing a home correctly and then staging it is like gold. Professional staging works. Decluttering and moving the large couch to the basement isn't staging! Home owners need to check their egos at the door. The staging investment is recouped in some way - be it either in time or money.

Firm offer in 4 days - 99% of asking

Firm offer in 4 days - 100% of asking

Firm offer in 3 days (could have 1 day..owner decided to wait after Open House) - 98% of asking

Kalli Georgiakakis-Reed
Owner and Principal at Broadhouse Design Inc.

Home Staging in Toronto said...

Hi Kalli,
Unfortunately, you aren't able to post links in comments, so you are best to upload the images of your stagings instead.

GOSSIP Home Staging said...

Hello GTA,
I have a number of success stories, but I'll refer to the latest project I recently completed.
This project was very challenging as it was an Estate Sale and the executor of the estate wanted to keep his pre-sale preparation budget to a minimum. In order to achieve this, he opted for partial renovations (old lighting fixtures, outdated bathtub tiles and old appliances). He also insisted on utilizing 90% of the furniture already in the space. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, but the furnishings were not that desirable and dated the home further. A long story short, I ended up renting keep pieces such as headboards, couch/arm chair, bar stools, modern lamps. The design incorporated was contemporary and vintage mixture to blend with the clients older furniture pieces. The decor was a mixture of old with new and it worked beautifully. Color concept used was earth tones with gold accents to draw attention from the dated furniture and gold light fixtures. Although challenging, the property sold in 3 days for $16,000 over asking.
"Home Staging sells homes faster and for top dollar" proven here in this and many success stories.
To view the before and after pictures of this project, please visit www.gossiphomestaging.com

Juliet Craig, President/Founder
GOSSIP Home Staging & Design
"We create rooms people just can't stop talking about"
Servicing the GTA

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